Monday, April 7, 2008


"Count off".....ONE......TWO........ THREE................................ FOUR, FIVE!!!

If you ever have the opportunity to ride in the Bringhurst's car the above sentence is the first thing you will probably hear. It is mostly a joke because generally we know if all kids are accounted for. I yell "Count Off", and then the boys respond. Casey is always ONE, Austin, TWO, Zachary THREE, Dylan FOUR and then all the kiddios yell FIVE, it is a rule that they cannot yell five unless they are looking at Jackson.


AWE, YES, Nearly everywhere we go we get the attention of those around us. We have five kids; not only do we have five kids but they are ALL boys. The most common responses are...

"You have how many?" (My favorite answer is "only five")

"Oh, still trying for that girl" (almost in a sad voice)

"Are you going to try again for a girl" (whatever)

" Do you wish you had a girl" (You know, I do have this boy thing down pretty good by now, a girl could complicate things. That being said, should it ever happen, I would be up for the task).

Now, I do think some people (especially on the east coast) wonder why anyone in their right mind would ever choose to have such a large family. Well, I have a very good reason. BASEBALL; baseball, you say? Yes baseball, how could brothers go out into the backyard and have a game of baseball if they don't have any brothers to have a game of baseball with. Yesterday I looked into the backyard and I see our catcher, Dylan giving the pitcher Austin a sign, or in other words calling the pitch. We have our batter and then of course a fielder. Jackson needs to grow a bit more before he can go out and play.

I love this picture of Dylan catching, he did a decent job at it too.


Chell said...

You do have the boy thing down pretty well. Love the count off.. That made me chuckle.

Ginnie said...

I love it!! Long time, no see. I thinks it's time to party again.

Anonymous said...

Casey's dream maybe will come true one day with his own team...maybe not the Yankees, but with his brothers. Can't wait to see what position Jackson will play. Love the pictures

amyorr said...

I do love boys! Looks like baseball is there thing. Nice. We need to do lunch again. Maybe California fresh. haha

Ashley said...

Have to leave a comment cuz I am #5 to comment! It's only fitting right? Love your makes me miss my own and my nephews who are all about the same ages as yours.
