Last weekend we took the opportunity to enjoy nature and the beautiful scenery at Ricketts Glen. For those of you who have highly recommended it to us... Thank You. Jennifer and I always go to the campsite at check in and then the husbands come after they get off work. This time we got a little bit of a late start and then the rain came. Our planning didn't work out so well this time, we set camp in the dark and the rain. It rained all night which was actually kind of romantic. By morning the rain was gone and scenery was beautiful. We had a great time and Blaine spent his first consecutive three days in the woods. He is always a good sport. Here are a few pictures from our trip.
Before we left Dylan helped me make some cookies for our trip. He is always a very big helper.
This is everyone at the beginning of our hike. We figure it was about a five mile hike.

Zach and Casey

Jackson and Blaine

On the hike there were about 15 to 20 waterfalls. Here is a picture of one of them. All the kids and Dads had a good time climbing some of the waterfalls.
Blaine and Jackson
This next picture was taken on the trail. The tree's roots are coming out of the ground and are all intertwined with each other. I thought it was quite a spectacular view.

Jennifer and Randy
Casey braving the tree bridge.
This is me attempting a group picture on a 2 second timer.
Take One
Take Two ( didn't even make the picture at all on this one)
Take Three

All the natives were very patient in my attempts to get a group picture.
Take Four
We plum wore out the kids, this is Dylan at the evening campfire.
And even Zach couldn't make it to bed...
On Saturday evening we had a spiritual visitor. You may think it is the Madonna, or some say it could be the face of Jesus. Look closely He/She is looking to the left and downward. The forehead is pronounced with eyes, nose, mouth, and chin. 
On Monday we rented a petal boat, row boat, kayak, and canoe. It really was a ton of fun. This is all of us switching around out on the lake.

I love this picture of Jennifer rowing my husband.

Well this is our weekend, I would highly recommend Ricketts Glen. It is a great place for family bonding.