I bring these next thoughts to you with permission from my teenager. At first he did not agree for me to blog about this subject. I proposed an arm wrestling match and if I won then I could blog at my free will. My first greatest feat of the week is that I am still stronger than said teenager. Hooray!!! My second greatest feat of the week is this...
I taught my teenager to shave!

Now you may ask, what kind of mustache can a 13 year old actually have. Not quite like the one pictured above, but enough to see the fuzz and tell a difference when it was gone. Now he may not need to shave for several weeks but that is ok he is only thirteen.
So here is Casey, 13 years, four months and 26 days old but who's counting. How time does pass quickly. T0 all you moms wishing those little ones older, take a moment and appreciate the NOW. Before you know it your little ones will be shaving daily and will THINK that they are all grown up.
Cindy, that is so exciting, so sad, and so true! I am also surprised that Blaine didn't do the teaching! I think I would be scared to teach someone how to shave their face. I have a hard enough time with my legs!
I don't knwo which is worss having your mom blog about teaching you to shave or blogging about the fact she was allowed to make such a post because she beat you at arm wrestling.
I am sure he was more embarassed about the arm wrestling then the shaving. Wow, shaving..he is growing up fast mom...they all are, too fast.
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