I know it has been a long time since I have blogged. Yes I have many reasons. None of which I care to post on the Internet. As far as the tag goes...I was actually tagged about six months ago, but it was a verbal tag and I decided it didn't count. Then my niece tagged me about 2 1/2 months ago. That is almost how long it has been since my last post. So Nat this ones for you. I'm not a very interesting person so coming up with 6 interesting facts about myself is kind of hard for me. Here we go in no particular order.
Fact ONE: I love the theater-you know Broadway and off Broadway. These are the shows I have seen... in order of preference.
Wicked-with original cast
Wicked-with Blaine, this would be first but I really enjoyed Kristen Chenowith's performance
Wicked-with sister
Wicked-with friends
Phantom of the Opera-this was my first show ever on Broadway. It was a jaw-dropping experience for both of us. I have seen it three times.
Lion King
Mamma Mia
Billy Joel's Movin' out
Rockettes Christmas show
Beauty and and Beast
Les Mes
Chicago (don't recommend)
Contact (don't recommend) Loved the dancing but lots of cursing.
I am adding Mary Poppins to the list tomorrow. I hear this is a great one.
There might be more but this is what I can remember.
Fact TWO: Airy noise makes my skin crawl, I would rather hear fingernails on the chalkboard than hear the sound of the hairdryer, static, the nebulizer, or the fan in the car turned up higher than 2.
Fact THREE: If my calculations are correct, I have managed to bare five children, all boys, only spent a total of 17 hours and 40 minutes in labor, pushed about 8 1/2 pushes, for a grand total of 46 lbs and 13 oz. Here is the break down...
Casey 8lbs. 7oz.--7 labor hours- one push
Austin 9lbs. 5oz--2labor hours- one push
Zach 9lbs. 5oz--7labor hours-two pushes
Dylan 10lbs. 2oz--20 min labor--two pushes
Jackson 9lbs. 10oz. 1hour 20 min labor 2 1/2 pushes
Boy does Blaine ever have it easy!!!Fact FOUR: Even though lots of people know about this one, I still have to put it in because it is unique. I was born with a wink jaw. If you haven't seen it, I am sure you will be looking for it at the next ward BBQ. Wink Jaw is my crazy eye. I have a nerve or muscle or something that links my jaw to my eye. The bottom line is that my eyelid goes up and down as my jaw opens and closes. Jaw open, eye wide open---Jaw closed, eye normal. This is a repetitious action as I chew my food or gum or just tease the kids around me. Maybe, just maybe I will record a demo...we'll see.
Fact FIVE: About twice a year I miss the country lifestyle that I was raised with. Growing up we had all the farm animals, usually raised for food. We had milking cows, one that liked to pin me up against the wall before a good milking. She didn't like me and I really didn't like her. One of our cows picked me up with her horn and threw me a good ten feet. I was real little, maybe like eight or something. That scared me. I have experienced a chicken harvest, it's a little bloody. The phrase running around like a chicken with it's head cut off is a literal phrase. Don't wish to do that again any time soon. My sisters and I would have to squish ((please say this next part in your best country accent now I would say squash), but back in the day of farmin' we were squishin' them buggers)), the potato bugs that were making home on the rows and rows of potato plants that Dad planted. The saddest time was when Dad took the pigs to be castrated. I didn't watch, but listening was bad enough. I was hiding on the floor of the pickup covering my ears trying not to hear the wretched sound of the little piggies squeal. There were always mega chores, chores and more chores. This is why I only miss that lifestyle twice a year. I have a cushy life compared to them country folk.Fact SIX: I have drafty windows. You must be wondering why this is interesting. The reason they are drafty is because my walls and windows are bulging with testosterone. Right now I am typing and in the other room I have a 13 year old, and 10 year old and a 7 year old hootin' and hollerin' about something that just happened one the Yankee game. 40 minutes ago they were bragging about how the Yankee announcers are the best announcers and that all the others are just boring. last night I came home from my friends home and Casey, Austin and Blaine had all the MLB hats that Blaine has collected over the years, laid out perfectly on the dinning table in order of division and then ranking in each division. The plan is to put 30 nail holes in one of my walls and place the hats one them according to their current rank.
Now as one team takes the lead of their given division the caps will be readjusted. My initial reaction was NO WAY!!! As I looked at their faces and could see that they could not understand my reaction I agreed to a wall that I only have to look at if I am making popcorn. I don't think it is natural for my seven year old to know the thousands of facts that he knows, the other two know even more. I am sitting here blogging and I look to my left and see this very cute picture of Casey and Austin and can't help but realize that I may have something to do with this obsession to sports.

So for now I will put up with my drafty windows and look forward to every Girls Night Out.
Now I am suppose to tag someone else but I am not going to. Most of my blogging friends have already done this. If I was going to tag somebody it would be Sue but she hasn't started blogging yet, not sure why, I know I would enjoy it.