Thursday, December 20, 2007

Finding my way out of Blah-land

On occasion, I have days where for some reason I feel blah. Today is one of those days. I am OK sharing this because I know it is normal and you must feel this way sometimes too. So today I wanted to focus on some of my favorite things, people, places.

I will start with

favorite places,

New York City and Central Park

Beautiful Hawaii, We will think of you all when we are there in March.

Niagara Falls, from a birds eye view

Italy with my Love

Arches Nat'l Park, UT

The Carribean

Favorite Things

Brotherly Love...

Bubble Baths

Beautiful Temples

Love being snowed in

Our Service Men

Our Ancestors
The opportunity to send my kids to four different states in the blink of an eye, just kidding, I love family vacations

Baby Mozarts

Beautiful Friendships...

Modern Medicine
This is a picture of Casey when he got hit in the head with a golf club.

This is a picture of Jackson when he was in the hospital with respiratory problems.

Love the Snow Angel
An occasional fishing trip

Love Making Memories

Flying People

Favorite People

Of Course my first pick, Blaine, my forever companion

My sisters

I only have a picture of one sister, but I love both

Blaine's Family

My Family -minus one bro but he looks just like the bro in the blue shirt (twins)

I bet you all knew the L'Heureux family would make the cut

Reba, she puts on a pretty good show

Just so you all know, I DON'T like being this BIG!

Wow, I feel better, that was very therapeutic. You should try it sometime when you are in blah-land. Now you know me a little bit better. Any surprises???

Disclaimer: If you think you should have made the cut, well you are right I just didn't have a picture of you. Lots of Love!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Meet Dylan

These pictures sum up Dylan and his cute little personality better than most words. He always keeps us on our toes.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

My son the Hornet Hero

So my distinguished honors son, now thir"TEEN" calls me from school and says "Mom, I shot a Hornet on the bus, can you come get me at the Eighth Grade Center." My first thought was what a nice boy, he is keeping some kid that is deathly allergic to bees, wasps and hornets safe. We have taught him well. He may not like spiders but those flying pests, he is all over them. Then I quickly realize that he is a seventh grader. (The bus picks 7th graders up first and then goes to the 8th grade center to get the eighth graders). The quick thinking, intuitive mother that I am realized that shooting a hornet must be a bad thing. I immediately said, "Did you get kicked off the bus?" He sheepishly answered with a yes. Well, when talking to middle schoolers, a hornet is a tightly folded piece of paper, shot through the air at high velocity or maybe it is with great force with a rubber band. In other words IT'S A WEAPON!!! I had a fifteen minute drive to the school which allowed time for me to determine the proper way to handle the situation. As I arrived, there was a mom leaving the school yelling very loudly at her son, I knew that wasn't the answer. I entered the school and was greeted by the 8th grade Vice Principal. We chatted a moment and the accused was released into my custody.

My solution was this, He (the accused nameless teenager) was to sit down and compile two apology letters, one to the bus driver and one to his principal and vice principal. These letters were to be delivered promptly the next morning. His Vice Principal was so impressed that she allowed him and his once clean record to get away with a two week seat assignment in the front of the bus. A few extra assignments around the home also. Not too bad if you ask me. I think he learned his lesson.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Decorating for Christmas 2007

Work Party Followup

Blaine didn't like that I used the word breasts before so here is my official apology retraction letter/blog. Anyways I didn't go with the sweater with the bow on the br#*sts. (I hope everyone knows what that means). I went with the ivory sweater, plum pants and the black high-heeled boots. The outfit looked pretty good. We arrived a comfortable 5 minutes late. (At a party like this, its OK to be a few minutes late). We stayed for about three hours then went home. This work party had everything a good work party needs to be called good. A beginning and a reasonable ending. Good fortune to all of you who still have your company work party to attend this christmas season.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Laundry Day

So, I asked this girl if she wanted to come to my house and do her laundry. Just to be nice. Because I'm a nice person. She lives in some apartments with not so nice laundry facilities. I thought it was going to be a one time deal. I was wrong. How so I tell her that I don't want her to get used to using my washer and dryer. She brings her kids over (her baby cries all the time) and eats my food. I make her chicken ceasar salad for lunch. (I grow my own lettuce so this is kinda a big deal) Plus, I get cinnabons. I know....she is needy. Even though she is pretty funny...... and quite good looking. I had plans today to look for a sweater with a bow across the breasts. I guess that will have to wait until tomorrow. Unless her friend decides to come and do her laundry too. Yes, there are two of them. Oh well, she graduates and moves in May. I guess I will just have to put up with it until then. I do love her though!

Friday, November 30, 2007

The Work Christmas Party

So tonight is the big annual work Christmas party! What should I wear. The black sweater, the ivory sweater, the white sweater with the big red bow across the breasts. Black pants, white pants, plum pants?!? I am supposed to leave in one hour, feed the kids, clean a bathroom or two, and prepare for the commute into the city. Wish me luck and I will fill you in on the party later.

Yes or No?

So, Dylan was asked if he had a girlfriend. Do you think the answer is yes or no?
