favorite places,
New York City and Central Park
Italy with my Love
The Carribean
Favorite Things
Brotherly Love...

Bubble Baths

Beautiful Temples
Love being snowed in
Our Service Men
Our Ancestors
The opportunity to send my kids to four different states in the blink of an eye, just kidding, I love family vacations
Baby Mozarts
Beautiful Friendships...
Modern Medicine
This is a picture of Casey when he got hit in the head with a golf club.
This is a picture of Jackson when he was in the hospital with respiratory problems.
Love the Snow Angel An occasional fishing trip
Love Making Memories
Flying People
Favorite People
Of Course my first pick, Blaine, my forever companion
My sisters
I only have a picture of one sister, but I love both
Blaine's Family
My Family -minus one bro but he looks just like the bro in the blue shirt (twins)
I bet you all knew the L'Heureux family would make the cut
Reba, she puts on a pretty good show
Wow, I feel better, that was very therapeutic. You should try it sometime when you are in blah-land. Now you know me a little bit better. Any surprises???
Disclaimer: If you think you should have made the cut, well you are right I just didn't have a picture of you. Lots of Love!!
I loved your post. Very cute pictures! Very cute. Oh yes....blah land. I'm glad there is a name for these days. I had one yesterday because my friend brought cinnabons to my neighborhood and didn't bring me one! Maybe she thought I wouldn't find out. And as for not having pictures of some more of your favorite people.....that can be arranged. I assume you were talking about me. Now that this has turned into a e-mail more than a post I will go
That was a great post! I loved all the pictures.
And...you brought someone cinnabons!? Wow, whoever got those is one lucky person. You must have made someones very blah and unshowered (and unshaved) day a whole lot better.
Hey LG, I'm saving a special cinnabon day for just the two of us. Love ya!! When are you coming up again?
Great post. Yep we all have those Blah days, it is good to know others are nto afraid to admit it. Fun post and great to see some of the things that make you happy.
I think this post is my favorite so far. I love all the pictures. It makes my days brighter and helps me to remember the things I need to be grateful for. Thanks.
Very cute. I love all of the pix. Favorite is with Blaine flying over your leg.
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