This song "I can hear the Bells" is from the movie Hairspray. The words of this song is about how Blaine and I came to be.
Have you ever been set up on a blind date? I was once...I will never do that again...Well actually that's because I ended up marrying that blind date. Here is our story.
I had a friend named Melissa, she worked for Blaine. One day she called me and asked if I would go out with her boss, Blaine. Well, it had been a bit since I had been on a date so honestly my first thoughts were "great free dinner". So, Blaine didn't want to seem desperate so he waited a couple weeks to call. I am glad I didn't starve in those two weeks. He finally called and we set up a dinner date then a movie. He had about four first dates set up over those couple weeks so he was going to impress the ladies. Blaine had gone out and purchased a shiny white 1996 Convertible Mustang GT, and yes it had to be a GT. It was a sweet ride and he knew it.
We headed to Olive Garden for dinner, I had soup, salad, bread sticks. To this day that is my favorite meal at the Olive Garden. We chatted and had great conversation. Then the moment happened .........he asked me "what things do you enjoy"? My first response would change the rest of our lives. I answered "I really enjoy baseball". The man's eyes lit up with great interest, he continued. "Do you have a favorite team?" I responded, "I really like New York." If you know Blaine you can imagine the thrill that was racing thru his body. He had one more question to ask. "Which NY team?" I thought for a moment, and then with some hesitation, because I could tell there was a right and a wrong answer here, I answered slowly "the Mets". WRONG ANSWER. This man is a true Yankee fan through and through. I was easily converted. It took all Blaine's strength to keep from proposing right there on the spot.
After dinner, we headed to the movie theater. We were in my neck of the woods so he was relying on me to get us around town. I must have been nervous because I was giving poor directions. I think I might have even got us on the Belt Route headed the wrong way or something. Maybe I just wanted to take that GT for a spin. We finally made it to the theater and chose to see Multiplicity. I love that show and we still make reference to some of the things #4 says in the show. Don't know what I'm talking about? Rent the movie, it is funny.
After the movie he took me home. We chatted for a bit in the car and there was NO yada-yada-yada. He walked me to the door, shook my hand and said good night.
We knew just a few weeks into our dating that we would be getting married, however it wasn't for six more months that we actually tied the knot.

I'm not sure what's hotter, your puffy shoulders and sequence dress or blaine’s mustache... it's a toss up.
WOW! Fast car, facial hair, AND hot blonde?? It brings me back to high school!! And for that matter... except for the fast car part... I've stll got it!! --roo
Love it all. Wow it is like looking in a mirror with the dress and flowers...I had the same colors and I think the same boquet-sp?. You were great for eachother then and are still going strong now....Happy Anniversary!
Lovin the stache. You are one hot bride...blaine that lucky guy! That must have been one heck of a wedding, hope your anniversary tops it!
Happy Anniversary Cindy (and Blain.) I love your pictures! Isn't it great to look back on how you looked "back then!"
Oh those sleeves. Happy anniversary. You are one heck of an AWESOME couple.
Happy Anniversary to a wonderful couple who has a great family. We always admire and look up to you hoping to be a cute happy fam like the Bringhursts!!!
Love the story, love the pics. You guys are too cute!
I am glad I was able to get to know you better at Ginnie's party!
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